Free Presentation Skills Assessment

Jim Harvey, my co-founder of Presentation Guru, and I have been developing a comprehensive questionnaire to help people assess their level of skill when it comes to presentation skills and public speaking. We could not find any questionnaire or tool that enabled people to do so in a simple, but meaningful way. Jim and I have […]
6 posts for your public speaking in 2020

As the clock winds down on 2019 and we enter a new year and a new decade, I wanted to share six posts from the past to inspire your speaking in 2020. If you think that your speeches and presentations can’t have a major impact, think again. That’s what the ripple effect is all about. Public speaking […]
The Prezi Top 100

The past couple of weeks have been pretty exciting for this blog. Only days after reaching 1,000,000 visitors, I received an email from at Prezi. They notified me that they had chosen Manner of Speaking as one of their “Top 100 Online Resources Every Presenter Should See”. And, from among the Top 100, Prezi staff chose Manner of Speaking […]
Speaking Pro Central

Today I am pleased to introduce you to Speaking Pro Central, a collection of blog posts and articles all around the business of speaking. The website uses a special technology to create a “topic hub“. It collects content from different sources and organizes it around keywords. The stated goals of Speaking Pro are as follows: […]
Tagged AlltopB2BBusiness Servicese-LearningeLearningeLearning TechnologyManner of Speakingpublic speakingpublic speaking resourcesSpeakingPro CentralTony Karrer