You know more than you think you do

In the TED Talk below, social scientist Dolly Chugh speaks about an interesting idea: how we can become better people if we just stop trying to be good. I don’t intend to analyze her talk; rather, in this post, I’d like to focus on her speaking notes. As you can see from the image below, Chugh […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 298) – Charles de Gaulle

“Silence is the ultimate weapon of power.” Charles de Gaulle
A fashion tip for women speakers

A fashion tip for women. When it comes to giving fashion advice, I am on thin ice. When it comes to giving fashion advice to women, I have fallen through the ice. But on one point, I stand firmly on solid ground. If a woman is going to speak and she knows that she will […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 297) – Seneca

“I judge you unfortunate because you have never lived through misfortune. You have passed through life without an opponent. No one can ever know what you are capable of, not even you.” Seneca Photo courtesy of Jean-Pol Grandmont / Wikimedia
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 296) – Gloria Steinem

“I think the most obvious real fear I had was of public speaking. That really paralyzed me. I’d have to cancel appearances at the last minute because if I tried to do them, I’d lose all my saliva and each tooth would acquire a little sweater. “I didn’t begin to speak in public until I […]
6 tips for handling a remote when presenting

If you use slides in your presentations, whether PowerPoint, Keynote or some other software, you must become comfortable using a remote to advance those slides. The alternatives are not great: 1. Standing by the computer the entire presentation and advancing the slides using the keyboard. 2. Walking back and forth between the computer and the […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 295) – Byron Reese

“Stories are central to humanity, for they gave form to human imagination, which is the first requisite for progress.” Byron Reese Photo courtesy of
The Camera and Brett Kavanaugh

The fight over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh was the ugliest confirmation process for an American Supreme Court Justice that I have seen. I’m not American, but I am a lawyer, and I thought it was a sad indictment on how politicized the American legal system has become. A thoughtful, independent judiciary is a cornerstone […]
Don't make the same mistake as Donald Trump

You’d be forgiven if, after reading the title of this post, you asked, “Which one?” Don’t worry, we’re going to leave politics aside, so that narrows it down, at least somewhat. Instead, I want to discuss a mistake that the President made during his 2018 address to the United Nations. Many speakers make the same mistake, […]
Tagged communication skills trainingDonald TrumpMade to Stickpresentationspublic speakingpublic speaking training