Your audience wants meaning before detail

Imagine walking out your front door and there, right in front of you, is a giraffe. A living and breathing giraffe just standing there and looking straight at you. Your first questions will not be about the physiology of the giraffe, or the biological classification of the giraffe, or the dietary habits of the giraffe. […]
Three Lessons from the Island of Corfu

I recently returned from a lovely – and much needed – vacation in Corfu, Greece. Stunning scenery, beautiful weather, delicious food and, most importantly, some of the nicest people you will meet anywhere. As public speaking is never far from my mind, I am always on the lookout for inspiration from unique sources. Corfu did […]
A Lesson from the Colosseum

In June 2021, I took a stroll around Colosseum in Rome, Italy. I was in Rome because I had speaking engagements there and, a few days later, in Turin – my first in-person events in almost a year because of the pandemic. It was a pleasure to be able to speak with people who were […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 341) – Khalil Gibran

“You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.” Khalil Gibran – جبران خليل جبران
Charisma: It’s what you do that counts

Charisma is not who you are. Charisma is what you do. Many people bemoan the fact that they “are not charismatic”. But this kind of thinking is not productive. Anyone can be more charismatic if they are willing to work at it. Because charisma is all about actions and behaviours. It is a skill that […]
Do this calculation every time you speak in public

Whenever you have a speech or presentation to deliver, there’s a calculation that you should always do beforehand. Multiply the time you have to speak by the number of people whom you anticipate will be in the audience. The result is the true amount of your speaking time. Because, however long you speak, each person in […]
6 technical tips for your next online presentation

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world in countless ways. Among other things, the world has been pushed even more online. I am guessing that if you are reading this post, you have participated in at least one online presentation over the past year or so. Probably more than one. There is a lot to […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 340) – Anthony Fauci

“I accept and welcome the opportunity to have an impact [in the battle against Covid-19] because I know the things I can do well and the things that I would prefer not to do. … I’m a physician, a scientist and a public health person, but I also have the capability, I believe, of communicating […]
10 reasons to walk the room before you speak

In November 2018, I spoke at an event in Genoa, Italy for a big corporate client. I arrived the day before I was scheduled to speak. One of the reasons why I went early, was so I could “walk the room” beforehand. I decided to shoot the video below so that you could walk with […]
Tagged audiencePreparationpublic speakingpublic speaking tipsstagewalk the room