Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 192) – Mark Twain

“I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said, ‘I don’t know.’” Mark Twain
Presentations: When to Take Questions

Questions from the audience are an integral part of most presentations and speakers should look forward to them. Questions mean that the audience is interested and wants to know more. And even if someone wants to challenge you on a point, at least it means that they were paying attention! Many inexperienced speakers take questions at […]
Two Slides You Can Lose

Thank you? No thanks. Much has been written (in this blog and elsewhere) on ways to improve the quality of slide presentations by, for example, reducing the number of words on a slide, using good visuals, going easy on the bullet points, turning the screen black from time to time, etc. Today, I want to […]
Tagged CommunicationsEducation and Trainingpresentationspublic speakingQuestion and AnswerSlide Presentation