Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 215) – Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 214) – Epictetus

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 213) – Lady Bird Johnson

“The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.” Lady Bird Johnson
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 212) – William Butler Yeats

“Think like a wise man, but communicate in the language of the people.” William Butler Yeats
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 211) – Demosthenes

“All speech is vain and empty unless it be accompanied by action.” Demosthenes Photo courtesy of Sting / Wikimedia Commons
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 210) – Bruce Lee

“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there. You must go beyond them.” Bruce Lee
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 209) – G. K. Chesterton

“A man does not know what he is saying until he knows what he is not saying.” G. K. Chesterton
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 208) – Albert Einstein

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Albert Einstein
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 207) – Marcus Aurelius

“The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.” Marcus Aurelius Photo courtesy of Pierre Selim
Tagged Marcus AureliusPreparationpublic speaking quotesquotes