Three public speaking resolutions for 2021

2021. We made it. We finally said goodbye to 2020, a year that will be forever remembered in the history books but not for the best reasons. And, we are still in the thick of the fight against COVID-19. Still, with vaccines now being distributed, there are reasons to be hopeful. And, in any event, […]
Five Public Speaking Resolutions for 2019

I am one of the co-founders of Presentation Guru, a digital magazine for public speaking professionals. This post is part of a series to share the great content on Presentation Guru with the Manner of Speaking community. ––––– As 2018 draws to a close, many people reflect on the year gone by and make plans for the year to come. If you […]
50 New Year's Resolutions for Public Speakers

Here are 50 New Year’s Resolutions to help you take your public speaking to a new level in the New Year. In no particular order: 1. I will prepare. 2. I will practice. 3. I will have a clear message. 4. I will be able to distill every speech and every presentation into a single sentence. 5. […]
Tagged audienceBusinessGarr ReynoldsLinkedInNancy Duartepublic speakingResolutionsTEDToastmasters International