A Movie I Have to See!

When it comes to being on the cutting edge of cinema … I’m not your guy. Case in point: Slum Dog Millionaire was the first movie in perhaps 20 years that my wife and I saw in the theatre before it won the Academy Award for best picture. Still, I do enjoy a good film […]
Excellent Interview with Chris Anderson of TED

Those of you who have been reading this blog for some time will know that I consider watching TED Talks to be one of the best ways to spend time on the Internet. The curator of TED is Chris Anderson. In an interview with Bizmore, a business website, Anderson offered some insights into the workings of […]

Victor Borge, the Danish comedian, conductor and pianist, once said that a smile is the shortest distance between two people. It’s a shame that people do not do it more often. And yet, as we grow older, we smile and laugh less. Studies have shown that the average child laughs up to 500 times a […]
Five Tips for Writing (and Speaking)

Five tips from author Kate Mosse about writing a novel that are also useful for improving your public speaking and presentation skills.
Kiss me, you fool

Not like this. And not like this. What I mean is the “Kiss principle”: Keep it short and simple. (Or, Keep it simple, stupid.) Anyone can ramble on (and on and on) in a speech. But the speaker who can cut to the heart of the matter quickly and precisely, and leave the audience enthralled – that speaker […]
Tagged Abraham LincolnEdward EverettGettysburg AddressKISS principlepublic speakingself-developmentsimplicity