You know more than you think you do

In the TED Talk below, social scientist Dolly Chugh speaks about an interesting idea: how we can become better people if we just stop trying to be good. I don’t intend to analyze her talk; rather, in this post, I’d like to focus on her speaking notes. As you can see from the image below, Chugh […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 296) – Gloria Steinem

“I think the most obvious real fear I had was of public speaking. That really paralyzed me. I’d have to cancel appearances at the last minute because if I tried to do them, I’d lose all my saliva and each tooth would acquire a little sweater. “I didn’t begin to speak in public until I […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 259) – Jonathan Evison

“You have to smile, if you expect anybody to smile back.” Jonathan Evison Photo courtesy of Keith Brofsky
Funny You Should Say That!

Delivering a humorous speech is no laughing matter. Especially when you are in a humorous speech contest and trying to impersonate the Terminator. It’s hard work. In the fall of 2008, I had the terrific experience of competing in the Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest in District 59 (18 countries in Continental Europe). The contest has […]

There is an old joke about a tourist who is visiting New York City. He wants to see a concert at the famous Carnegie Hall. The tourist stops a man on the street and asks, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” The man replies, “Practice!” It is the same with public speaking and, indeed, […]
Tagged Carnegie HallNikepracticepresentation skills trainingpublic speakingSelf ImprovementToastmastersToastmasters International