6 tips for better visual aids

Jim Harvey and I are two of the three founders of Presentation Guru. Given the current state of affairs in the world, we have decided to experiment with webinars. We have a series of four webinars for anyone interested in delivering better speeches and presentations. The first webinar covered some of the secrets of storytelling. We discussed what stories are, […]
Don't be like Twitter

I am a long-time user of Twitter. The microblogging platform has allowed me to connect with people around the world, learn new things and share my ideas. Although Twitter has struggled in recent years to grow, especially when compared to sites like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, it nevertheless maintains a solid base of users. Twitter’s […]
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

When I was a kid, one of my favourite movies was The Wizard of Oz. Back in the day, there was no streaming on demand, so you had to wait until it was shown on television. With few channels available, that usually meant the the movie came to TV about once a year. One of the […]
A presentation lesson from two airport departure boards

I fly a lot for work and have become an expert at analyzing airport departure boards. I have noticed a major between the departure boards in European airports and the departure boards at airports in Canada. In Europe, departures are arranged chronologically. The flights about to part are at the top of the screen whereas later flights are […]
2012 U.S. "Prezi"dential Election Recap

I came across this presentation on Prezi that provides a recap of the 2012 Presidential election in the United States. If you are not familiar with Prezi, have a look. Click the image below and you will find the presentation on the Prezi home page. You can navigate the presentation back and forth via the two […]
The Right Number of Slides

People often ask me, “What is the right number of slides for a 20-minute (or 30-minute, or 40-minute, etc.) presentation.” I always respond the same way: “I don’t know. Three, 20, 50, 17, none?” There is no right answer. It depends on a number of variables, including the audience, the subject and the context. However, […]
Slide Transitions: Everybody's Changing

I remember the first time I saw the features on PowerPoint that allowed you to animate text and slide transitions. I played around with it for awhile and soon had things zooming in and bouncing around and what not. My initial thought was, “This is neat.” After playing around a little more, I had another […]
You Don't Know Dick

I am referring to Dick Hardt, founder and CEO of Sxip Identity and a big proponent of Identity 2.0. (Unless, of course, you actually do know Dick!) The presentation below (which, as you’ll see, was the inspiration for the title of this post) is an old one. It is the 4 August 2005 Keynote Address that Hardt […]
Being There, Before You're There

In a little more than a month’s time, I will fly to Lisbon, Portugal for the Toastmasters District 59 Spring Conference. It promises to be a fabulous time and I am looking forward to seeing many friends from across Europe.The organization for the conference has been superb. João De Mendonça and the rest of the Lisbon […]
Tagged audienceConferencesEyjafjallajökullJoão De MendonçaLisbonMicrophonePortugalPresentationpropspublic speakingRui HenriquesSlide Presentationsspeech contestsstageToastmastersVisualization