Six ways to hook the audience from the beginning

Plato said, “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” When it comes to speeches and presentations, your beginning is critical. You get one chance to make a good first impression, so you want to hook the audience with your opening words. An audience’s attention is usually at its highest just before you […]
A lesson from Dubrovnik

My wife, Julie and I recently went for a vacation in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik. Wonderful people, beautiful scenery, fascinating history. If you ever get the chance to visit, I highly recommend it. One day, we took a cable car to the top of Mount Srđ which overlooks the city and offers a spectacular view […]
Be prepared to cut your presentation short

I have written in the past about managing your time when giving a speech or presentation. One of my tips in the post above says to cut your presentation short if necessary. Logistics, I wrote, will not always be within your control and your speaking time might be unexpectedly reduced. If you are told, 20 […]
Own your speech

Recently, I was working with a group of people over a couple of days to help them improve their public speaking skills. For one exercise, I asked them to give a short (5-minute) speech on something that they cared about. The first participant spoke about an issue that is very important to her. The topic was interesting and the […]
Every time you have to give a speech or make a presentation, do this calculation

Here’s a practice to develop with regard to your public speaking. It’s something that I started doing many years ago. It’s a simple calculation that should take 30 seconds (or less if you use a calculator) but the result is always powerful and sobering. Here’s what you do: Take the number of people whom you anticipate […]
A Groundhog Day Public Speaking Lesson

For those of you unfamiliar with Groundhog Day, it is a quirky little celebration observed in Canada and the United States on the 2nd of February. According to legend, if the groundhog, such as the one in the picture above, wakes up and does not see his shadow, spring will come early that year. However, […]
Speakers: It's About Time (and How to Manage It)

Time management is an essential skill for any public speaker. It should be part of any communications skills training course. I previously wrote a post about why speakers should stay on time when giving a speech or presentation, and how failing to do so is a sign of disrespect. I encouraged speakers to finish on […]
What will the audience do when you've finished speaking?

Long-time readers of this blog know that I stress the importance of thinking about the audience before preparing a speech or designing a presentation. A speech or presentation is always about the audience: first; last; and foremost. That’s why I am delighted to share a short video featuring my friend and fellow public speaker, Conor […]
Speeches from Film: Up in the Air

Analysis of George Clooney’s “What’s In Your Backpack?” speech in the movie, “Up In the Air”:
Tagged George Clooneypublic speakingpublic speaking trainingSpeechUp in the Air