10 reasons to walk the room before you speak

In November 2018, I spoke at an event in Genoa, Italy for a big corporate client. I arrived the day before I was scheduled to speak. One of the reasons why I went early, was so I could “walk the room” beforehand. I decided to shoot the video below so that you could walk with […]
Dealing with a creaky stage

Have you ever listened to a speaker who is standing on a creaky stage? Have you ever had to speak from a stage that creaked whenever you stepped on certain spots. It is annoying for both speaker and audience. But there is a simple, effective way to deal with it. All it takes is a […]
Being There, Before You're There

In a little more than a month’s time, I will fly to Lisbon, Portugal for the Toastmasters District 59 Spring Conference. It promises to be a fabulous time and I am looking forward to seeing many friends from across Europe.The organization for the conference has been superb. João De Mendonça and the rest of the Lisbon […]
Tagged audienceConferencesEyjafjallajökullJoão De MendonçaLisbonMicrophonePortugalPresentationpropspublic speakingRui HenriquesSlide Presentationsspeech contestsstageToastmastersVisualization