A Day in the Internet

In the past, I have written articles stressing the importance of making data meaningful for our audiences. Drawing inspiration from such sources as Carl Sagan and the Long Island Initiative, I have tried to show examples of why it is important to put statistics into context. As Chip and Dan Heath emphasize in Made to […]
Be like Carl Sagan

In my series entitled “Making it Stick”, one of the posts discusses how to be credible as a speaker. One of the pieces of advice is to put things, especially statistics, into context for our audiences. Failing to do so can result in a presentation that is overwhelming or mind-numbing or both. As Chip and […]
Why Too Much Data Can Be Bad

Seth Godin is the author of ten books about marketing, change and work that have been bestsellers around the world. His blog is one of my favourites. The post below appeared on his blog on 21 January 2010. In a previous post, I quoted Margaret Thatcher who said that a statistic should tell a story. The problem with […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No.12) – Margaret Thatcher

“A statistic should tell a story.” Margaret Thatcher
Tagged Margaret ThatcherPresentationpublic speakingquotesstatisticsStorystorytelling