Make your next presentation your best yet

The infographic in this post comes courtesy of the design agency Ghergich & Co. They developed it for Salesforce Canada and invited me to share it with you. The infographic captures some important principles from three experts in the field of public speaking and presentations: Chris Anderson, Nancy Duarte and Guy Kawasaki. Many speakers forget that […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 242) – Bruno Giussani

“When people sit in a room to listen to a speaker, they are offering her something extremely precious, something that isn’t recoverable once given: a few minutes of their time and of their attention. Her task is to use that time as well as possible.” Bruno Giussani Photo courtesy of Bruno Giussani
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 234) – Chris Anderson

“When I think about compelling presentations, I think about taking an audience on a journey. A successful talk is a little miracle—people see the world differently afterward.” Chris Anderson Photo courtesy of TED Conference / Flickr
The Day TED Might Have Died

I recently wrote a post in which I shared an article written by Seth Godin. That article mentioned the (then) upcoming book on TED Talks by TED Curator, Chris Anderson. The book, TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking, is now available. I recently discovered a post on LinkedIn—thanks for the tip, J.P. Theunissen—adapted […]
Your Talk is a Gift

Seth Godin is the author of several books about “marketing, the spread of ideas and managing both customers and employees with respect”. They are bestsellers. His blog is one of my favourites and I highly recommend it. This post is part of a series based on original posts by Seth. Your talk is a gift In this blog post […]
Analysis of a speech by Dan Gilbert

Dan Gilbert is a Harvard psychologist who has spent a lot of time thinking about and studying happiness. He is the author of Stumbling on Happiness. The New York Times Book Review wrote, “Gilbert’s elbow-in-the-ribs social-science humor is actually funny. … But underneath the goofball brilliance, [he] has a serious argument to make about why human beings are forever […]
Five Speaking Lessons from TEDx Place des Nations

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of speaking at TEDx Lausanne. It was a wonderful experience. Two days ago, I had the privilege of attending TEDx Place des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. It was held in the impressive Assembly Hall of the United Nations Palais des Nations. Speaking at a TEDx event is a thrill, but it […]
My TEDx Talk

It was an honour to be invited to speak at the 2014 TEDxLausanne. I had always wanted to speak at a TED event. The members of the organizing committee were professional, hard-working and enthusiastic. The other speakers were passionate and supportive. And the audience was terrific! Here’s my talk:
10 Ways to Ruin a Presentation

How do you ruin a presentation? It’s not that difficult. I just finished reading a great article in the June 2013 edition of the Harvard Business review by Chris Anderson, the curator of TED. The article, entitled How to Give a Killer Presentation, contains a wealth of insights into how TED helps its speakers prepare for […]
Tagged Chris AndersonHarvard Business Reviewpresentation skillspublic speakingTEDTED Talk