Analysis of a Speech by Bruce Aylward

Bruce Aylward is a fellow Canadian and one of my former colleagues from the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Bruce is a physician and epidemiologist who led the polio eradication programme at the WHO. He is currently the Senior Advisor on Organizational Change to the Director-General. I am proud to know Bruce and many of the people in the […]
Analysis of a Speech by Mark Bezos

I recently came across this TED Talk by Mark Bezos, the Senior Vice-President of Development, Communications and Events at Robin Hood, a leading poverty-fighting charity in New York City. He is also the Assistant Captain of a volunteer fire company in Westchester County, New York, where he lives with his wife and four children. Firefighters are bona […]
Lessons from a Ukulele

Creativity and passion in a most unusual package.
Breaking the Ice: A Guest Post by TeachStreet

From TeachStreet: How to break the ice when giving a speech.
Analysis of a Speech by Elizabeth Gilbert

One of my favourite TED Talks is the one given by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the international bestseller Eat Pray Love. In her talk, Gilbert speaks about the fears and frustrations of those who pursue a creative life, especially during those moments of angst when the creative juices are not flowing, and offers some advice and […]
Analysis of a Speech by Elif Şafak

Elif Şafak (pronounced “Shafak”) is an award-winning Turkish novelist and the most widely read woman writer in Turkey. Here is an analysis of her TED Talk.
Make Sure Your Slides Don't Fall Behind

A while back I wrote a post about the way in which you can turn the screen black during a PowerPoint presentation and the reasons why you should do so. You can read it here. Today I want to show you an example of why it can be so important to turn the screen black […]
The Power of Gestures

For a great example of how gestures can be used to increase the effectiveness of a presentation, watch the fascinating TED Talk below by Bonnie Bassler. She is a molecular biologist at Princeton University. In the video, she is speaking about a very exciting discovery in the field of bacteriology. Effective speakers understand the power […]
Analysis of a Speech by Shukla Bose

Shukla Bose is the founder and head of the Parikrma Humanity Foundation, an extraordinary nonprofit that runs schools for poor children in urban India. Parikrma is transforming education so that these children can have equal access to the best opportunities. Parikrma manages the entire education cycle from kindergarten to college for each child. In this talk at TED India, […]
Tagged audienceParikrma Humanity Foundationpublic speakingShukla BoseSlide Presentationspeech analysisTED