Speakers: It's About Time (and How to Manage It)

Time management is an essential skill for any public speaker. It should be part of any communications skills training course. I previously wrote a post about why speakers should stay on time when giving a speech or presentation, and how failing to do so is a sign of disrespect. I encouraged speakers to finish on […]
Beat the Clock!

The next time you have a presentation, see if you can beat the clock. Speak for less than your allotted time.
The Dating Game

The Dating Game was a popular TV show in the 1960s and 1970s. The concept was simple. Three contestants tried to win a date with a man or woman by impressing him or her with their answers to question. The contestants were hidden and the person asking the questions knew nothing about them other than the sound […]
Your speaking rate

Know your speaking rate. Frequently, we have to give a speech within strict time limits. Speech contests are a good example. If a speaker goes over time by even one second, she is disqualified. Other examples include being given a 30-minute slot at a conference or 15 minutes to do an after-dinner speech. Those who speak longer than they should do […]
Tagged Dan BrownJohn Grishamspeaking ratespeech conteststimeToastmasters