What's Your Sentence?

Distilling your presentations into a single sentence or two will help keep you on the right track and ensure that your words, stories, statistics, pictures, props, etc. support, rather than detract from, your message. The next time you give a speech or presentation, ask yourself “What’s my key message?” or, if you prefer, “What’s my sentence?”

Michael Jordan is arguably the greatest basketball player ever. A true legend. Here is a 1-minute motivational video by Jordan about making excuses.
Anatomy of a Humorous Speech

Following my victories at the Toastmasters District Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests in Hamburg, many people have asked me how I go about preparing for a contest. In particular, they have asked how I crafted my humorous speech once I got the idea for the subject. I’ve given the matter some thought and decided […]

There is an old joke about a tourist who is visiting New York City. He wants to see a concert at the famous Carnegie Hall. The tourist stops a man on the street and asks, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” The man replies, “Practice!” It is the same with public speaking and, indeed, […]
Tagged Carnegie HallNikepracticepresentation skills trainingpublic speakingSelf ImprovementToastmastersToastmasters International