How the Grinch Spoke at Christmas

Every Who down in Who-ville liked Christmas speeches a lot, But the Grinch, who lived just North of Who-ville, did not! The Grinch hated speeches! The whole speaking profession! Now, please do not ask just what caused his aggression. It could be that most speakers read from their notes, Or came unprepared, or just bleated […]
Anatomy of a Humorous Speech

Following my victories at the Toastmasters District Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests in Hamburg, many people have asked me how I go about preparing for a contest. In particular, they have asked how I crafted my humorous speech once I got the idea for the subject. I’ve given the matter some thought and decided […]
Back from the District Conference

My contest-winning speech at the Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest in Hamburg.
Toastmasters World Champion – 2009

Earlier this year, I wrote a post about the Toastmasters District 59 International Speech Contest in Düsseldorf, Germany. My run in the contest ended with a silver medal in the fourth round of six. But last week, a world champion emerged from the ten contestants who made it to the final round. The winner is […]
Funny You Should Say That!

Delivering a humorous speech is no laughing matter. Especially when you are in a humorous speech contest and trying to impersonate the Terminator. It’s hard work. In the fall of 2008, I had the terrific experience of competing in the Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest in District 59 (18 countries in Continental Europe). The contest has […]
Your speaking rate

Know your speaking rate. Frequently, we have to give a speech within strict time limits. Speech contests are a good example. If a speaker goes over time by even one second, she is disqualified. Other examples include being given a 30-minute slot at a conference or 15 minutes to do an after-dinner speech. Those who speak longer than they should do […]
Speech Evaluations

While the adrenalin is still flowing from the District 59 Toastmasters Conference (on which I reported in my previous post), I thought that I would pen a few words about the “other” contest that featured there – the Speech Evaluation Contest. I think that it is the trickiest of all Toastmasters contests. Speech evaluations require you to be rigorously analytical in […]
Back from the Toastmasters District Conference
OK, after a hiatus of several days (during which I did not turn on a computer or watch TV – heaven!) I am back from the District 59 Toastmasters Conference. The venue was the Intercontinental Hotel in Düsseldorf, Germany. As usual, it was a great time. So, how did I do? Second place in the International Speech Contest. As the contest […]

There is an old joke about a tourist who is visiting New York City. He wants to see a concert at the famous Carnegie Hall. The tourist stops a man on the street and asks, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” The man replies, “Practice!” It is the same with public speaking and, indeed, […]
Tagged Carnegie HallNikepracticepresentation skills trainingpublic speakingSelf ImprovementToastmastersToastmasters International