Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 334) Tony Robbins

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” Tony Robbins Photo courtesy of Brian Solis / Flickr
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 219) – Tony Robbins

“Give more to your audience than they have any right to expect.” Tony Robbins Photo courtesy of Brian Solis / Flickr
23 Public Speaking Secrets from the Greats

Today’s post comes from Carol Brown at OnlineCollege.org. Carol has gleaned 23 public speaking secrets from well-known people. As she says, while everyone has their favourite tip, nobody says it better than the great speakers. Each secret is accompanied by a quotation and a link where you can read more about that particular point. It […]
How the Grinch Spoke at Christmas

Every Who down in Who-ville liked Christmas speeches a lot, But the Grinch, who lived just North of Who-ville, did not! The Grinch hated speeches! The whole speaking profession! Now, please do not ask just what caused his aggression. It could be that most speakers read from their notes, Or came unprepared, or just bleated […]
Tagged ChristmasDr. SeussGrinchHow the Grinch Stole ChristmashumorHumourSlide PresentationToastmastersTony Robbins