An Afternoon with Hans Rosling – Part 3

This is the third and final post about Hans Rosling’s presentation in Geneva, Switzerland which I had the pleasure of attending. The previous two posts can be found here and here. In this post, I share some additional reflections on Rosling’s 90-minute talk on global health trends. Rosling made the data meaningful Rosling’s Gapminder technology […]
An Afternoon with Hans Rosling – Part 2

In my last post, I wrote about Hans Rosling’s visit to the World Health Organization and my conversation with him. In this post, I share some reflections from Rosling’s 90-minute talk on global health trends. Arrive early For those members of the WHO and UNAIDS who were not able to see Rosling’s talk in person, […]
An Afternoon with Hans Rosling – Part 1

Today, I had the good fortune to meet and speak with Dr. Hans Rosling, the international rock star of statistics. I then had the pleasure of watching him give a fascinating 90-minute presentation on some key global health trends. A physician and Professor of Public Health at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, Rosling is also […]
Analysis of a Speech by Bruce Aylward

Bruce Aylward is a fellow Canadian and one of my former colleagues from the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Bruce is a physician and epidemiologist who led the polio eradication programme at the WHO. He is currently the Senior Advisor on Organizational Change to the Director-General. I am proud to know Bruce and many of the people in the […]
Tagged Bill GatesBruce AylwardPoliopublic speakingspeech analysisTEDWHOWorld Health Organization